Saturday, December 19, 2009
Holiday Home
OOCK has wonderful stocking stuffers - sustainable gifts such as recycled chalkboard candles, organic linens, and fabulous pillows spun from organic wool!
The gift of great design can be a unique and wonderful present - we can offer color consultations,
energy ideas and great room transformations - all available with our replenish-able gift cards!
Stop in to pick up last minute gift items and gift cards for your holiday shopping!
Seasons greetings and happy holidays!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Support the AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson Cans for Kids!

This year the AIA Westchester/Mid-Hudson Chapter created the Design Club, an after-school architectural education outreach program for inner city youth. Select member architects serve as volunteer teachers to enrich elementary students in the field of architecture. In its first year, the club has already seen positive results at Martin Luther King Elementary School located in Yonkers, NY. Children learn through hands-on projects about the science behind building, physics and geometry. Topics range from climate and insulation to bridge building, decoration and biomimicry. The club also takes students on educational field trips; this year was to The Guggenheim Museum.
In conjunction with this effort, Carol Kurth, AIA Architect and owner of OOCK, has created and is piloting a fundraising effort for education, by creating a recycling program, "Cans for Kids". Contractors and architectural firms are asked to collect and recycle all bottles and cans that are consumed on job sites and would otherwise wind up in dumpsters or buried in walls. The profits raised from the can deposits are given to the program in order to support its future.
To get started: Click on the poster above and print on 11 x 17" paper, hang up your sign on your collection bin, wait till it fills, redeem the can deposits, and mail funds to the address located on the poster.
If you have further questions about the "Cans for Kids" program, please contact Carol Kurth at 914-234-2595 or email her at
Friday, September 25, 2009
Cork Ottoman
Sustainable and beautiful, order your custom piece, available in many sizes from circular to rectangular benches -
starting at $ 870 plus tax and delivery -
during October a portion of proceeds will be donated to the American Cancer Society for the Patient Navigation Program!
Order now and have it in time for the holidays!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Breast Cancer Awareness Month @ OOCK
For the month of October, OOCK will be donating part of their proceeds to the American Cancer Society and their Patient Navigation Program. Visit to view our line of sustainable products.
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
Take the Footprint Quiz?
What's your environmental footprint? Take the test at:
..... How many Earth's would we need if everyone lived like YOU?
Green Design Award Competition

New York House Magazine announced the winners of their inaugural Innovative Green Design Awards competition, showcasing the best Earth-friendly, beautiful home furnishing products. Winners were chosen by a panel of sustainability experts, including our very own, Carol Kurth. The products were submitted from around the world and the winners proved to represent the most sustainable methods of manufacturing, highest energy efficiency, greatest innovation, smallest carbon footprint, and best looking design in each category. The honorees were announced at a cocktail reception at GreenBuildingsNY on June 16 at the Jacob K. Javits Center in New York City.
Visit NY House Magazine's website at: to view all winners, photos and more information on this competition.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
OOCK, the regions first boutique devoted exclusively to sustainable living, now joins the ranks of Westchester Magazine's list of The Best of Westchester in the category of New Home Green Furnishings and Design. For more information on the award visit
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
The Office of Carol J.W. Kurth welcomes Deirdre Molloy as the firm's third LEED Accredited Professional
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Office of Carol J.W. Kurth is pleased to announce their New Award Winning Project
................AND THE WINNER IS....... THE BIRDHAUS!
"The Birdhaus", previously featured on this blog, has won the 2009 Design Award Competition from The Society of American Registered Architects of New York (S.A.R.A.) for Product Design.
View other winners of the SARANY awards at.....
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
Westchester Magazine’s Dream Home: The Tour Begins!

Check out Westchester Magazine's Dream Home 2009, which is offering house tours to the public for four weeks, starting May 1. "The interactive tour will feature seminars on new, energy-efficient window technology; tutorials on paint trends and color combinations that soothe or inspire; talks on the newest developments in lighting design that can transform any room's ambiance with the flick of a switch; and much more. "according to the magazine. The tours are also focusing on the "do's" and "don'ts" of design and construction as well as how to create simple, delicious meals in your kitchen. This amazing home is located at 93 Round Hill Road in Armonk, NY and features some superb amenities such as a grand foyer, library, gym, home theater, wine cellar, 2 laundry rooms, cabana, and 4 full and 2 half-baths. Outdoor features include a terrace and pool, gorgeous porches and 2 two-car garages.
The Carol Kurth Collection will be featured in various areas of the home. Look for our OOCK green definitions pamphlets to get more on green terms. Tickets are $20 in advance and proceeds from tour ticket sales will benefit Open Door Family Medical Centers. For more info please call 914.502.1414.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Watch MTV’s Teen Cribs This Tuesday @ 5pm

This Tuesday, MTV will be featuring the third episode of their newest breed in the crib's series: Teen Cribs. The show aims at showcasing everyday teens living in extraordinary homes, including a home designed by Carol JW Kurth Architects. Located in Westchester, NY this home, aptly named "Five Star" and will be featured on Tuesday, April 28 at 5pm on MTV. Check it out! (Tune in Saturday at 2pm for a sneak peek of next week's Teen Cribs.)
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Spring is here and it’s time for a new coat of paint
The Low Down on VOC's:
According to the EPA, indoor air pollution is 2 to 5 times higher than that of outdoor air; this is mainly due to the off-gassing from within our homes. It is estimated that 10% of the ozone depleting substances in the urban United States come from paints and other surface coatings. The harmful components in these products are the volatile organic compounds (or VOC's). VOC's are organic chemical compounds emitted as gases from certain solids or liquids. Normally found in the environment as naturally occurring gasses (ie. methane), VOC's are harmful when used heavily indoors. Common household products contain high levels of VOC's including paints, paint strippers, wood preservatives, aerosol sprays, cleansers and disinfectants, moth repellents, air fresheners, stored fuels, automotive products, hobby supplies and dry-cleaned clothing. In addition, items like our carpet and furniture also play a huge role in indoor air pollution.
First Steps: The average gallon of paint contains at least 150 grams per liter of VOC and when you consider how many square feet of painted walls are in an average home, switching to a zero-VOC paint will have a dramatic impact on a home's air quality. Acrylic- Water Based Paints: Mythic Paint offers a variety of colors and sheens in their water based acrylic paint, and they are one of the few manufactures that offer zero-VOC in a high gloss sheen. (For more info or if you are in the neighborhood, visit the mythic paint store in Bedford Hills).
Once you've chosen a color, make sure to get an accurate amount of paint (one gallon usually gets you about 300- 350 square feet of coverage). Buying a sturdy nylon brush will save you time and money in the long run. If your project lasts more than one day, be sure to tightly wrap your brushes in used, clean produce or plastic bags. This will save you time and water.
Cleaning up!
Clean up is easy, water based acrylics only require soap and water for clean up. Remember, if you have splatters on floors, clothing or furniture, cleaning them up with soap and water before they dry is the only way to prevent them from staining.
Excess Paint: To keep left over paint, transfer excess paint into a smaller container (such as a glass jar) and close tightly. Turn upside down during storage to avoid contamination from air leakage.
If you don't want to hold on to your paint and you have less than a quarter of paint, open the lid and leave in a well ventilated area for a few days to dry. The can and paint can be separated after the paint has dried. Most water based paints are biodegradable and can be thrown in with your regular trash and recycle the steel paint can. If you have more than a quarter of paint left, consider donating to a local school, theater group, community center, a Habitat for Humanity chapter or Keep America Beautiful affiliates, or call you town to see if you have there is a local paint recycler. If donating is not an option, add Waste Paint HardenerTM (available at most paint stores), kitty litter, mulch, or shredded paper to act as a bulking/drying agent.
Hope these "greening" tips help with your spring painting project!
Thursday, April 9, 2009
A-HOME HOUSE PARTY :: spring benefit

"This whimsical LEED Certified Birdhaus, designed by The Office of Carol J.W. Kurth and construction by Legacy Construction, LLC., is inspired by iconic Bauhaus Architecture and Le Corbusier's theories about green space. This playful bird house incorporates a green moss roof, a bird nesting tower with a water cooling reflective pool above. When rain overflows the scupper overflow creates a waterfall that in turn waters the moss roof. The green roof serves as leisure space, gardening, and harvesting of indigenous plant life. A seed circle is provided for communal feeding, and a south facing shaded area with play perch for the bird's amusement is integrated. Bird holes and heights were carefully researched with data from the US Department of Interiors." - Carol JW Kurth
A-HOME House Party!
Friday May 1, 2009
The Salem Golf Club Bloomer Road, North Salem, NY
A benefit to sponsor A-Home, a not-for-profit community based organization that works to strengthen northern Westchester neighborhoods by providing people safe and affordable places to live – the foundation of a stable life.
For more information call 914-666-0740
Open Bar
Cocktails at 7pm
Dinner at 8pm
[Like what you see? OOCK is now taking orders on one of a kind bird houses, call 914.234.6426]
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
John Rapetti, Associate AIA is now LEED AP
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Check out OOCK’s feature in Westchester Home Magazine
Westchester Home Magazine names OOCK as one of Westchester's Sensational NEW Stores!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
By the 2030 the United Nations estimates two-thirds of the world will lack access to clean drinking water. This is an alarming number and the future is not so far off. Stephanie Soechtig, director and producer, takes a look at the bottled water industry in the upcoming documentary, Tapped. This film addresses the major crisis surrounding the industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, our reliance on oil, as well as what we can do to help prevent this crisis.
Please take a few moments and follow this link:
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Carol J.W.Kurth, AIA Architect is now a LEED AP
The Office of Carol J.W. Kurth is available for architectural (commercial or residential) projects planning on achieving LEED certification from the USGBC. Please contact our office at (914)234-2595 or contact us at For more information on LEED please visit: .
Frugality = Green
………Frugal, Thrifty, Meager…… call it what you will. I will call it 2009. It seems the running theme for this year, is stretching your dollar for all the elasticity it possibly has. When I start hearing news reports comparing today's financial percentages to those from the 1930's, I know it can't be a good thing. But here is some good news, all this doom and gloom may actually blossom some pretty positive things.
Save your gas….exit fuel guzzling hummers…enter fuel efficient, vegetable eating, hybrid, electric wonders that have been waiting years for their moment in the sun (for solar cars, I mean literally). Thanks to the demand from high fuel costs last year, car companies are manufacturing more fuel efficient and hybrid vehicles. If you have to drive, hybrids are the lesser of two evils when it comes to air pollution. For those who can't afford a new hybrid, use mass transit- it s even more green.
If it's broken, fix it… In this year of frugality we will now be more aware of the value an object has. For so long, our country has seen leaps and bounds in technology, and with it, affordable new gadgets and computers. The backlash to it all has been the exuberant amount of waste, which has been exponentially growing over the years. Although we have become more aware of recycling those items which formally held such value to us, the stockpile of toxin-emitting trash continues to grow. My advice is to see if you can fix it. I did it when my 10 year old vacuum began blowing dirt instead of sucking it. After a lengthy investigation I found the culprit, a nail, which had lodged itself into the fan and created a hole in the belt and, over time, destroyed both. Without leaving my house, I went online and ordered a new $15 part for my vacuum instead of wasting money on a new vacuum and further adding to the previously mentioned trash problem. Not only did I save money but my self reliance felt pretty satisfying.
Consumer power….. In our present global economy, we can easily lose sight of where our every day goods come from, what they are made of and what impact they have on our bodies and our planet. Now that demand is down, we as consumers have the power to pressure manufactures to produce products made with non toxic material in a closed looped system (aka products are returned to nature or created into another useful product at the end of its life cycle). We can also demand LONG LASTING products; goods that don't purposefully die out because they were designed to do exactly that. It s high time manufactures get back to making goods that have a longevity to them like they used make years ago.
At OOCK, we have a wide assortment of green, high quality, long lasting products. Come check out our boutique located at the Arcade Building in Bedford, NY. We also offer full design services with everything from reupholstering old furniture with low emitting fabrics to redesigning your home to be more energy efficient and healthier for you and your family.